Greetings friends. In an attempt to stay connected from across the miles I am attempting to maintain this site to post thoughts and pictures from Madagascar. I am currently residing in Ohio, sharing my parents home with them (or I should say, they are sharing their home with me). Barring anything unforeseen, I am to commence a 27 month volunteer assignment with the Peace Corps in Madagascar in September 2005. The scope of the work will be grassroots outreach education in the hopes of promoting and maintaining optimal health of the Malagasy population. Topics will be quite broad and varied including but not limited to reproductive health, family planning, HIV/AIDS/STD’s, water quality issues, perinatal health issues, malaria, tuberculosis, and immunizations. I will be 'placed' near a rural health clinic working with and alongside native physicians and nurses while paying visits to local and neighboring schools and villages to spread sound health promoting messages as widely as possible. I am prohibited from owning/operating a motor vehicle of any kind (to stay true to the idea of living at the same standard as the surrounding community and so as to avoid casting myself as the privileged American) and instead will rely on self-powered transport (foot and/or bicycle) when travelling 'short' distances and public transit to cover 'long' distance. It is highly likely that I will be without electricity and perhaps without running water. These are all challenges that I welcome and embrace, believing whole-heartedly that there is much to be gained by going without.
I have recently completed an accelerated RN program in Ohio while securing my license in Colorado. And yet, I am a nurse much more in theory than in practice thus far. In short, with regards to taking this volunteer assignment with the Peace is simply the direction I would like to go both geographically and professionally. I think it will be satisfying and feel meaningful much of the time. I expect to gain more than I give...and I plan to give a helluvalot. And as much as I'll learn about life in another culture, I know I'll learn even more about myself and what I'm capable of. All the same, until I step foot off the plane in-country, any talk of being in Madagascar is just that.
So bear with me...this site will be a work-in-progress and my goal is to make it as free-flowing and user-friendly as possible. I can already recognize that there is alot of (too much?) information jammed into this small space. Organization is not my strong suit. If I can figure out how, it would be much better to include this information within an 'About Me' as to 'force' as little extraneous information on those of you choosing to visit as possible. Would be nice to merely have pics and highlighted snipets of info. contained on the main site with the option to link into the lengthy elaborations that almost always seem to take place when I take to writing. An attempt at going high-tech for someone who considers himself much closer to 'old-school'. I anticipate having infrequent access to the internet once in Madagascar so I fear updates will be few and far between. We shall see.
I have recently completed an accelerated RN program in Ohio while securing my license in Colorado. And yet, I am a nurse much more in theory than in practice thus far. In short, with regards to taking this volunteer assignment with the Peace is simply the direction I would like to go both geographically and professionally. I think it will be satisfying and feel meaningful much of the time. I expect to gain more than I give...and I plan to give a helluvalot. And as much as I'll learn about life in another culture, I know I'll learn even more about myself and what I'm capable of. All the same, until I step foot off the plane in-country, any talk of being in Madagascar is just that.
So bear with me...this site will be a work-in-progress and my goal is to make it as free-flowing and user-friendly as possible. I can already recognize that there is alot of (too much?) information jammed into this small space. Organization is not my strong suit. If I can figure out how, it would be much better to include this information within an 'About Me' as to 'force' as little extraneous information on those of you choosing to visit as possible. Would be nice to merely have pics and highlighted snipets of info. contained on the main site with the option to link into the lengthy elaborations that almost always seem to take place when I take to writing. An attempt at going high-tech for someone who considers himself much closer to 'old-school'. I anticipate having infrequent access to the internet once in Madagascar so I fear updates will be few and far between. We shall see.
Mary says ... I would welcome any and all posts. Could you use a digital camera while there and download pics to this site??? You are welcome to borrow mine.
good luck and gods speed my freind
Shall you be purchasing a bicycle there or can you take one from here? your more then welcome to HAVE my somewhat of a mountain bike if you so choose. How about a computer? Do you have a lap top? If not, you are so NOT welcome to take mine, as i dont have one either :)... we need to hook up and visit, seeing as I seem to be the one who has visited least, for some reason.
jan...peace corps provides top of the line bikes. so much for not looking like the privileged american. no to the laptop. wouldn't get enough use from one to justify having it. limited to 80 lbs. too.
Karen says... i, unlike Jan, have been able to spend some quality time with mike as of late, doing what i love(tribe games) and what he loves...i am so thankful for let's get that VW running!!! i will most definitely get the use out of it while you're gone, mike. I know you have no doubt in you're mind that i will
I will definitly miss going rock climbing and running the stairs with you and the girls when you are gone....But I am excited we found this site to do this, it is a great way to keep people undated on things!
somehow i have opened myself up to being infiltrated. all these anonymous, patronizing posts. do they really like my site? everyone likes sunshine blown up their butt, don't they?
imagine my excitement to see the comments jump from 6 to 21 in a fraction of a day! 'people really are interested', the voice inside says and wants to believe. alas, i had to come to the sad reality that they were not bonafide and delete them all. which was not entirely easy, given how complimentary they were. and enabled the word verification tool below to put the kabash on the practice. no matter...when i'm in need of an ego-pump i will merely un-enable to filter and let the praise fly.
nice site. I'll miss you. hope you can get to the internet while you are so we can see how you are doing.
Michael -- Excellent blog site. Safe travels. I look forward to reading about your adventures!!
I feel like I am going to throw up every time I think about you leaving, so I just pretend you are not. My boys will miss you terribly also. Mary
Mike...excited for what lies ahead of you! Carpe Diem! Love you and will miss you....but envy you! kathy
Take care and we will miss you dearly. Hope you can keep us up to date on your adventures.
fair wind, calm seas and pleasant journey in your new voyage
. . . antipodal uncle
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